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Showing posts from December, 2015

Share Your Love

How do you feel after you share/give something to someone? I bet you feel HAPPY and that's how I felt today. The moment when those person smile and say thank you to you is one of the happiest moment. It felt so warm in the cold rainy day like today. This makes me have the urge to write my story here. Anyway here's my story... As you guys know, today is Christmas Eve. Yayy. But in China, they don't really celebrate it, I mean it's not a holiday in this country. Only the teenagers and young people celebrate it. I guess they like to celebrate western event, same like during the Halloween. So I still had my class today and pass it like any other other day. EXCEPT, suddenly my friend came to class (she's my classmate) and gave me a present (it's from her roommate too). It was a jar of cookies and 2 candies. Both are so delicious, especially the cookies (I just ate them). I was happy and surprised. Besides that It is my first Christmas present from a friend (as l...